“Sidration” to centralsupélec after a survey showing extent of sexist and sexual violence

The Department of the School has transmitted to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Evry the results of a study conducted with students who declare a hundred sexual assaults and rape between students in the year 2020- 2021.


This flagship of the great engineering schools had crossed without clogging the #Metoo and #balancetonPorc storm. Not a dependent testimonial on Twitter, not a case of aggression reported to the direction, far, therefore, from the surgery, including the political institutes (IEP) in the spring of 2021.

However, it is to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Evry that Romain Soubeyran, Director of CentralesUpelec, awarded Wednesday, 6 October the results of an internal investigation on sexist and sexual violence. Intended to establish an inventory in the framework of the action plan leads by the establishment for women-man equality, the study reports an impressive number of declarations of sexual assault and rape. of the academic year 2020-2021.

Led online in June and July with 2,400 first and second graduates, of which 659 replied (196 women, 443 men, 20 identifying as non-binary), it reveals that 51 women and 23 men Declare to have been victims of sexual harassment, 46 women and 25 men of sexual assault and 20 women and 8 men of rape. In addition, 110 women and 25 men declare to have been the subject of sexist, 43 women and 34 men the subject of nonsense physical contacts. In nine out of ten cases, the author is a student and aggression was committed in the associative framework or in the University Residence of Gif-sur-Yvette (Essonne), where 2,000 students are housed.

“We are stunned, commented Romain Soubeyran, in office since September 2018. I had no reporting of sexist or sexual violence during the year. We thought things were under control through our cell against These violence and harassment and thanks to the action of student associations committed to these issues. “In the first line, it weighs, an association against sexism to whom management has entrusted the completion of the investigation.

It also was very surprised to discover the magnitude of the declared violence. “Many people do not realize what they have lived or can think that we will not believe, Analysis Ibtissam Hamich, in the second year, which calls to multiply this type of questionnaire in the academic environment. Generally, we say that if people do not speak, is that everything is fine … But have we at least asked if it was going? “Every year, the association conducts an investigation after the” fifteen d Integration “and the Weekend of Integration of New Yearned Newcomers, which brings together no less than 1,200 participants. Returns are systematic, testifying to a “heavy drag” and “sexist behaviors and words”.

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