Russians and Belarus President Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko fired. About this on October 7 reports Telegram-channel “Pool of the First”, close to the press service of the Belarusian leader.
Policies discussed current issues in the development of Belarusian-Russian relations, the further implementation of agreements on economic integration, as well as the preparation of the upcoming EAEU and the CIS summits and the meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Allied State.
“Lukashenko also warmly congratulated Putin Happy Birthday, wished good health, success and implementation of the planned plans,” the report said.
Previously, a congratulation with the 69th anniversary was published on the website of Belarus.
On September 9, Putin and Lukashenko negotiate in the Kremlin. According to the results of the meeting, it was announced on the coordination of all 28 programs within the framework of the Allied State.