US President Joe Bayiden for the first time in four years revealed the number of nuclear weapons in the American Arsenal. It is reported by CNN TV channel.
The State Department published data in response to the request of the Administration of Former President of the United States of Donald Trump. According to the information disclosed by the State Department, there are about four thousand nuclear warheads in the US Arsenal and two thousand are waiting for dismantling.
The publication of the newsletter “Transparency of US nuclear weapons” occurred on the eve of the meeting of nuclear powers. It is scheduled for 2022 within the framework of the Conference under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The parties plan to revise the obligations in the field of disarmament for each signatory of the country.
Earlier in October, Deputy Secretary-General of the UN, a high representative on disarmament issues by Izumi Nakakuza stated that the risks of the use of nuclear weapons were very high. According to her, together with the growth of hostility between countries, this may lead to serious consequences, including a nuclear war.
that the level of threats to the use of nuclear weapons in the world is incredibly high, the UN Secretary General Anthony Guterryan himself said earlier. According to him, this risk reached its maximum for 40 years.