Guadeloupe: hospitals victims of sabotage

The health authorities denounce malicious acts within health facilities on the background of debate on the immunization obligation of health personnel. According to the prefect, procedures are in progress.

Le Monde with AFP

Drain oil in the offices, glue in locks and “malicious acts”: the health authorities of Guadeloupe have denounced, Wednesday, October 6, “sabotage actions” within health facilities, in the middle of virulents Debates on the vaccine obligation.

People “do sabotage actions inside the institutions,” said weekly on the health situation the Director-General of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Guadeloupe, Valérie Denux.

“They dumped drain oil into the Human Resources services of the CHUs in recent days, they put glue in the locks, they block certain access,” she detailed, believing that these actions result in “disorganizations or even loss of opportunity for patients”.

“I understand that we can express itself,” said Denux, “but there are really wrongdoing” who “can endanger you”.

The debate on the sanitary pass and the vaccination obligation is quite virulent in the archipelago, the social protest speaking into the health facilities and in particular to the Chu of Pointe-à-Pitre, where the staff remains very Mostly not vaccinated.

“Verbal and physical aggression”

In a motion dated Saturday, the doctors of the Hospital Medical Commission denounce “verbal and physical aggression”. “The challenge of the Law on the Immunization Obligation in Care Establishments, intended to protect patients who entrust us their health, can not justify the obstacles to traffic within establishing and acts of malevolence To the caregivers going to the bedside of the sick, “they write. They call for cessing these actions, to be able to “give care in serenity”.

According to the prefect Alexandre Rochattte, procedures “are in progress, with complaint deposits that were carried out by the institutions concerned”.

The vaccination rate in Guadeloupe remains relatively small with less than 44% of the primo-vaccinated adults according to the health authorities. At the same time, the indicators are improving in the archipelago, which will begin a first phase of deconformation on October 8th.

In Guadeloupe, more than 800 people died at the hospital since the beginning of the epidemic, including 525 since the beginning of the e vague, according to the ARS.

/Media reports.