Gas prices in Europe collapsed

Gas price on the European stock exchange collapsed by 36 percent a few hours after record growth of the last week.

On the afternoon of October 6, futures updated the maximum, exceeding $ 1900 per thousand cubic meters – at 11:28 Moscow time they were traded at 1924 dollars. A few minutes later there was a decline – first prices fell to $ 1534, an hour to $ 1317, and then up to 1243 dollars.

The possible cause of the initial sharp increase in the cost of analytics futures is called the closure of short positions by traders. This situation arises on the stock exchange when players who have expected decline in stocks have to redeem borrowed from the paper broker at the current price.

Against the background of the fall in the cost of fuel, the shares of Gazprom collapsed, three days in a row renewed historical maxima. At 10:02 they grew up to a record 397.64 rubles per piece, at 11:06 fell 4 percent, up to 381.77 rubles. At 17:25, paper was trading even cheaper – 379.22 rubles.

/Media reports.