Pedocinality: Emmanuel Macron salutes “the spirit of responsibility” of Church

In the aftermath of the publication of the work of the saved commission, the reactions multiply. The President of the Republic highlighted a “need for truth and repair”.

Le Monde with AFP

At the end of a European summit at the castle of Brdo, in Slovenia, Wednesday, October 6, Emmanuel Macron congratulated the work done by the Commission led by Jean-Marc Sauvé, who made public, on Tuesday, his overwhelming conclusions on pedocinality in the Church.

“I want this work to continue in lucidity and appeasement. Our company needs it. There is a need for truth and reparation,” said the President of the Republic. He “greeted the spirit of responsibility of the French Church who decided to look at this subject in the face as other churches had made through Europe in particular. (…) behind numbers, there is women and men whose lives have been jostled, sometimes broken. It is first for them that I have a thought, “he added.

Beyond this report, “we must do” this “duty of truth in all respects” to “protect” children “psychic, sexual violence, which are intolerable”. “A company also judges its ability to denounce them, to repair the lives, but even more to prevent them. It is all a job we have launched,” said the head of state.

In total, according to the estimate of the Commission chaired by Jean-Marc Sauvé, 216,000 people today would have been attacked by a priest or other religious head while they were minor. The number rises to 330,000 if the victims of laity are included related to the Catholic Church (catechists, school supervisors or youth movements, etc.).

“unforgivable” for Bruno the Mayor

Guest of RTL, Bruno The Mayor , the Minister of the Economy, has entrusted his “grief”. “It’s a word that’s right. I will add a lot of anger,” he continued. “I was actually raised in this Catholic church, I was raised in a Catholic establishment, and it arouses deep anger and it upsets me deeply,” continued the minister. “Of all the reports I read in my political life, this one is the one who touched me most and the most upset, because doing evil, it’s already terrible. Do not hurt on children, it’s even more terrible. And do harm on children in the name of the property, it’s unforgivable. It makes me think of Pascal’s words: “Never hurts so fully than conscience” “, Has it concluded.

Adrien Tauquet, the Secretary of State for Childhood and Families, has Published a statement Welcoming “the considerable and courageous work of Jean-Marc saved and the members of the [commission]. The numbers are uplifting, but I am unfortunately not surprised . For three years, we look at the reality in the face, as disturbing, and I have made the protection of children victims of sexual violence a priority. “” Never we will have done in a few years in favor of The protection of children, but the path that remains to go is still considerable, “he adds.

/Media reports.