Lithuania called on EU to deprive China “geopolitical trump card” in region

European Union countries (EU) should postpone their production from China because of its aggressive foreign policy rhetoric and focus them in countries with Western thinking. With such a call, President Lithuanian Gitanas housing was performed during an informal meeting of the European Council, his application was published on the website of the President of the Republic.

According to him, Europe is too dependent on production chains in China, which uses this factor as a geopolitical trump card in building relationships in this region. Therefore, the Lithuanian leader explained, the EU should act together and decisively to deprive the PRC of the opportunity to strengthen the position in the international arena.

“From China, more and more aggression is observed, more desire to dictate their conditions and, of course, play a large role in the world,” housing emphasized. He added that in the current situation, the European Union should also strengthen cooperation with the United States, which are the main opponents of the PRC.

The relationship of Lithuania and China aggravated in the summer. In August, the Lithuanian authorities gave official consent to the opening of the representative office of Taiwan. Beijing expressed a decisive protest against such a step, recalled his ambassador from Vilnius and turned to the Lithuanian side with a request to withdraw his representative from the People’s Republic of China, which Vilnius did on September 3.

In addition, in Lithuania, they declared their intention to develop “mutually beneficial relations with Taiwan, as many other countries of the European Union and the rest of the world do.”

Taiwan, in which about 23 million people live, is the official name of the Republic of China and considers itself independent of the PRC. Almost 15 countries of the world officially recognized as a separate independent state, and Lithuania among them are not yet.

/Media reports.