Biden and Si Jinping will hold summit

US President Joe Biden and the Chairman of the PRC Si Jinping will hold a video summit by the end of the year. This was reported by a high-ranking representative of the American administration, reports Reuters.

An agreement on the meeting was achieved in Zurich during the six-hour negotiations of the adviser by Bayden on the National Security of Jake Sullivan and Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of China’s Committee (CCC CCC) Jan Jijack.

Previously, Biden stated that Taiwan was discussed with Xi Jinspin. According to him, the United States is ready to comply with the Taiwan Agreement.

Voltage between the United States and China in recent months in the background of competition in the Asia-Pacific region. The Chinese authorities declare that a significant part of the international waters in the region belongs to the PRC. We are talking about controversial waters in Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and others. The Chinese government takes measures to strengthen the control over the sea routes through which world trade takes place.

/Media reports.