Release Distribution for Creating IPFire Firewall 2.27

Published Release Distribution for creating routers and firewalls ipfire 2.27 Core 160 . IPFire is distinguished by a simple installation process and configuration organization through an intuitive web-interface that is replete with visual graphs. Installation size ISO image is 406 MB (x86_64, i586, ARM, AARCH64).

Modular system, except for basic functions of packet Filtration and traffic management for IPFIRE Available modules with system implementation to prevent Suricata-based attacks, to create a file server (SAMBA, FTP, NFS), mail server (Cyrus-Imapd, Postfix, Spamassassin, Clamav and OpenMailadmin) and print server (CUPS ), organization of the VoIP gateway based on Asterisk and TeamSpeak, create a wireless access point, organization of streaming audio and video server (MPFire, Videoolan, IceCast, GNUMP3D, VDR). To install additions to IPFire uses a special packet manager Pakfire.

In a new release:

  • prepared for removing Python 2 support in the next IPFire release. In the distribution itself there is no longer binding to Python 2, but this branch continues to use some custom scripts.
  • to reduce delays and increase bandwidth with intensive traffic processing in the network subsystem Included Attaching Package handlers, network interfaces and queues to one CPU nucleus to reduce migration between different CPU cores and improve the efficiency of the processor cache.
  • In the firewall engine added support for service redirection.
  • graphs are translated to use SVG format.
  • is the possibility of using a web proxy on systems without an internal network.
  • in the log is ensured by the display of protocol names instead of numbers.
  • In the basic delivery, updated versions of CURL 7.78.0, DDNS 014, E2FSPROGS 1.46.3, ETHTOOL 5.13, iProute2 5.13.0, less 590, Libloc 0.9.7, Libhtp 5.0.38, Libidn 1.38, Libssh 0.9.6, OpenSSH 8.7p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1k, PCRE 8.45, Poppler 21.07.0, SQLite3 3.36, Sudo 1.9.7p2, Strongswan 5.9.3, Suricata 5.0.7, Sysstat 12.5.4, SysfSutils 2.1.1.
  • Added in additions updated versions of ALSA, Bird 2.0.8, ClamAV 0.104.0, Faad2 2.10.0, Freeradius 3.0.23, FRR 8.0.1, Ghostscript 9.54.0, HPLIP 3.21.6, iPerF3 3.10. 1, Lynis 3.0.6, MC 7.8.27, Monit 5.28.1, Minidlna 1.3.0, NCAT 7.91, NCDU 1.16, TAGLIB 1.12, Tor, Traceroute 2.1.0, Postfix 3.6.2, Spice 0.15.0 .
/Media reports.