Build a ship with a nodal module “Pier”

On the Baikonur cosmodrome technical complex, work began on the integration of the node module “Pier” into the composition of the Progress M-Mind transport cargo ship, which should be delivered to the international space station a new component of the Russian segment.

In accordance with the schedule, the specialists of the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation and the profile enterprises of Roskosmos began the final assembly of the Progress M-mind ship in the installation and test corps of the site No. 254. After completing the testing of on-board automation and preparatory measures, the module “Pier “The procedure has passed the procedure of the test set of startup readiness using ground test equipment.

Then the module using a crane beam was installed on the adapter for the instrument and aggregate compartment of the ship and was recorded by mechanical connections. Further assembly transactions provide for the connection and testing of electrical communications and command-information interfaces of the module and compartment.

This compartment is the utility unit “Progress M-mind” module, equipped with an instrument of flight control systems, energy supply and combined motor installation. It must provide the ship to work on the working orbit, automatic convergence from the ISS and the docking of the module “Pier” with the nadar port of the multi-purpose laboratory module “Science”.

Universal nodular module “Pier” development and production of the RKK “Energy” them. S.P. The Queen (part of the state corporation Roscosmos) is intended to expand the technical and operational capabilities of the Russian segment of the ISS. The launch of the “berth” module on board the Soyuz-2.1B carrier missile is planned in November 2021 from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

/Media reports.