The sorrows requested exceed the pre-trial detention already carried out by the precales that appeared free. The Prosecutor has justified its severity by putting in perspective “the rise of ultradroite terrorist organizations”.
Racist or dangerous nickel seeds Radicalized individuals in preterror drifting? The public prosecutor has decided in favor of the second alternative in its requisitions against the six defendants of the Ultradroite Group Organization of the Social Armies (OAS) – in tribute to the OAS of the 1960s – which projected to attack Mosques, kebabs, left-handed bars and political figures in order to engage a “remigration” of immigrants. “Rebeus, Blacks, Dealers, Migrants, Racales, Jihadists, If you too dream of all killing them, we have made it the wish, joining us!”, Enjoged one of the recruitment leaflets of the new OAS.
The Attorney required Tuesday, October 5, ten years in prison, the maximum sentence, against Logan Nisin, 25, the founder of the group, his brain and his engine, the only one to appear held. What is his case since his arrest on June 28, 2017.
Eight years in firm prison were required against his right arm, Thomas A., 23 years old. Six years for Romain P., 33, Louis M., 30, and Antony B., 23 years old. Sentences well above the interim detentions carried out by the defendants.
The only prosecutor did not ask for the return to prison is Geoffrey H., 29 years old: She required five years in prison including four with three-year probation and sentence for the firm part of a year. A clemency in connection with the psychiatric decompensation he has done during his pre-trial detention.
“Kingdom of Hate”
At the end of the indictment, Thomas A. took his glasses, and Romain P. remained prostrated. Louis M. and Antony B. have implemented. These four have taken over the course of their lives, have companions or a companion, work, projects. The prospect of a return to prison literally cut their legs. They thought that the absence of passage to the act, their repentance, the respect of their parole and their obvious social reintegration would suffice to absolve them of their past cars put on the account of “mythos” (Rodomontades) or “Trolling “(harassment and hatred online).
The Prosecutor justified his severity by putting in perspective “the rise of ultradroite terrorist organizations”. This threat has become even preponderant in countries like the United States and Germany. She has shined the killings of Anders Breivik (77 dead including a majority of young democrats) in Norway in 2011, from Dylann Roof to Charleston (North Carolina, Nine African-American dead) in 2015, from Alexandre Bissonnette ( Six Muslim deaths) in Canada in 2017, and Brenton Tarrant (51 Muslim dead) in New Zealand in 2019. To condemn the projects of ultradroite attacks, “it will be necessary to wait until there is, what? Five, Ten, twenty, fifty people killed because they will pray in a synagogue, a mosque? “, Request the Prosecure.
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