Biden discussed Taiwan with Xi Jinpin

US President Joe Biden stated that Taiwan discussed with the Chairman of the PRC Si Jinspin. His words report RIA Novosti.

The American leader stressed that the United States is ready to comply with the Taiwan Agreement. “We are on this stand, and I made it clear that I don’t think that we need to do something except to comply with the agreement,” he added, answering the question about China’s “provocations” in this region.

China sent 25 military aircraft to Taiwan airspace on October 1. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (NAK) involved in the operation two H-6 bomber capable of carrying nuclear charges, anti-submarine aircraft, 18 J-16 fighters, as well as four Su-30 fighters. After that, the press secretary of the State Department Ned Price expressed concern about China’s provocative military activities near Taiwan and urged Beijing to stop pressure and coercion against Taipei.

Voltage between the United States and China in recent months intensified against the background of competition in the APR. The Chinese authorities declare that a significant part of the international waters in the region belongs to the PRC. We are talking about controversial waters in Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and others. The Chinese government takes measures to strengthen the control over the sea routes through which world trade takes place.

/Media reports.