Immigration and asylum: Government outlines its strategy

“The rigorous control of the border seems to us to be a condition of solidarity,” said Marlene Schiappa, Minister Delegate, including asylum issues, Tuesday, the Senate.

Le Monde with AFP

“Filtering” at the external borders, solidarity conditioned to “stricter controls” … The government has sketched on Tuesday, October 5, the Senate the vision that France will bring during its Presidency of the European Union (EU), In order to find a consensus around the Covenant on Asylum and Migration.

The French government, which will take in January the turning chairmanship of the EU Council, was invited to deliver the outline of its strategy in a debate in the hemicycle at the initiative of the Republicans Group (LR ), on this draft reform presented in September 2020 by the European Commission, which is the subject of dissension between the twenty-seven, one judging the text too binding, the others not enough.

the Regulation says “Filtering”

France will support “a solidarity policy” towards the countries of “first entry” in Europe, that, for example, Greece, Italy or Spain, which can not “undergo the consequences of Geography “, first declared Marlene Schiappa, Minister Delegate, including asylum issues.

But “the rigorous control of the border seems to be a condition of solidarity,” she immediately nuanced, three months from the French Presidency and six months of the presidential election. “The Government considers the Regulations” Filtering “, which is part of the Covenant and will introduce the external border of much stricter control obligations,” the minister who wants to “build a more solidarity but also more sovereign” Europe ” .

These “tools,” replied Marlene Schiappa to the senators who questioned her, “will allow us to take over our migration policy”. If the Covenant entered into force in the state, “France should receive fewer requests for asylum mechanically and especially better targeted requests, from Francophone people, people who have lived in France, with strong and profound ties with France. , “added the minister.

The Covenant “should act more effectively,” Pascale Gruny (LR) welcomed, however, that the regime proposed by Brussels is not binding. In terms of expulsions, she emphasized, “the figures are catastrophic, including a number of people actually expelled by 29%.

If the migrants “are manifestly ineligible for asylum”, they must be expelled, “otherwise they will feed secondary feeds throughout Europe,” said Marlene Schiappa.

/Media reports.