Climate activists burst into Louis Vuitton fashion show of Fashion Week in Paris

Thirty rebellion extinction activists, the Friends of the Earth and Youth for Climate are behind this action at the Louvre, two of which were arrested, according to their communiqué.

Le Monde with AFP

Rebellion extinction activists broke up, Tuesday, October 5, in the Louis Vuitton House parade at the Louvre to denounce the impact of the fashion industry on climate change at the last day of the Fashion Week from Paris.

“overconsumption = extinction” (overconsumption = extinction), could be read on a banner unwound by a militant of this international movement of civil disobedience in combating climate change. She landed on the podium in a gallery of the Louvre in the open parade before being evinced by a security officer, found a photographer from the France-Press agency (AFP).

42 Clothing per capita in 2019

Thirty rebellion extinction activists, friends of the Earth and Youth for Climate are behind this action, two of which were arrested, according to their communiqué. Activists require the government to impose “an immediate reduction in production levels in the sector, while 42 per capita clothing were marketed in France in 2019”, according to the same source.

In questioned by AFP, the Louis Vuitton house did not react immediately.

For this first post-Covid parade before the public, the artistic director of the female collections, Nicolas Ghesquière, chose theatrical aesthetic. Basket dresses, long feather capes and glasses-masks have opened the parade to better emphasize the game of volumes in very modern couturier looks, master of the cut.

Smokings become oversize or are declined in denim, short skirts and riding pants take volumes at the hips. “The time dissolves the functions and codes, it brings together the cloakroom (…). The humble uniform knows the pomp”, writes the stylist in the note of intent of the parade.

The week of the ready-to-wear woman ended on Tuesday in Paris with a tribute parade to Alber Elbaz, Israeli-American fashion designer who was artistic director of Lanvin, death of Covid-19 in April. More than 40 sewing houses have joined the design studio AZ Factory, its latest project, to create looks in its homage.

/Media reports.