In US, they explained “immaturity” of Russian “Zircon”

The combination of the hypersonic missile “Zirkon” and Russian superdiene nuclear submarines of type “ash” can provide Russia with significant opportunities before its rivals in the form of the United States with their European allies, tells the American edition of The Drive.

The publication mentions the famous Russian TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev, according to which the hyperzvukovka rocket, launched from the Russian submarine, is able to hit targets in the United States during a potential Russian-American conflict.

The publication notes that the real threat of the Russian “zircon” depends on the progress that Russia reached in the field of hypersonic technologies. “The actual maturity and the possibility of weapons, a clear full presentation, which has not yet been published, are not clear,” writes The Drive.

Thus, in the publication commented on the surface and underwater launches of the “Zircon”, produced in October from the nuclear submarine “Severodvinsk”.

In February 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “Zircon”, “capable of struck both sea and ground targets,” will have a speed of nine Mach numbers and a flight range more than a thousand kilometers, and the weapons will receive existing and wind-up and underwater ships, including the “Caliber” created under the rockets.

/Media reports.