In Russia, they stated circumstances to launch “Northern Flow-2”

Head of the Russian State Duma Committee on Energy Pavel Zavalny called the circumstances on which the launch of the North Stream-2 gas pipeline depends, in the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum (PMGF), RIA Novosti reports.

“everything will depend on the policy of Europe, as far as it is sensible, is not politicized,” the politician explained. According to him, the faster the European countries will give up the policies of double standards, as well as from politicization in the supply of energy supply and energy security, the faster the gas pipeline will be launched.

In early October, the Danish Energy Agency reported that the “Northern Stream-2” meets the requirements and may begin work. At about the same time, Nord Stream 2 announced that the first thread of the gas pipeline began to fill in gas as part of testing to achieve the required volume and pressure.

Later, the Federal Network Agency FRG confirmed the possibility of a quick launch of the Nord-2 gas pipeline. Currently, the Agency demanded that the project operator confirm that the gas pipeline complies with EU standards.

/Media reports.