Vucich explained crisis in Europe because of problems with gas contracts from Russia

President of Serbia Alexander Vucich called the cause of the energy crisis in Europe that countries did not conclude long-term gas supplies from Russia on time. This transmits TASS.

According to him, European countries in March, when everyone believed that they would come out of the main wave of coronavirus, they wanted to raise their production with the help of a cheap gas, which was already in storage facilities. However, using the existing stocks, the states did not in a timely manner with Russia, contracts for long-term gas supplies, stressed Vuchich. Serbian leader also added that now Moscow can affect gas prices.

Earlier it was reported that the United States asked Russia and the countries of OPEC on assistance in connection with the fuel crisis. According to the article of the Express newspaper browser, Kate Whitfield, Moscow and OPEC states denied Washington and did not sharply increase oil production to reduce record energy prices. Whitfield believes that this decision will lead to a growing deficit and other issues.

/Media reports.