Poland accused Gazprom in raising gas prices

Chairman of the Board of the Polish Oil and Gas Concern PGNIG Pavel Maevsky accused Gazprom in a sharp rise in price of gas in European markets. Maevsky made his statement, announced an increase in gas prices for Poland’s population, RIA Novosti reports.

“is a completely unprecedented and unprecedented action. This is the result of Gazprom’s actions,” Maevsky said. He called the actions of the Russian company with energy blackmail. According to Maevsky, the increase in gas tariffs for the population is inevitable. He reported that Polish gas storages were almost completely filled, and refused to predict a further change in gas prices, stating that they were controlled by Gazprom’s policies.

In recent years, PGNIG is considered the enemy of the Russian company. In the oil and gas concern did not hide that they would try to prevent the strengthening of Gazprom in the European gas market.

On October 5, the price of gas in Europe re-installed a record, rising above 1.4 thousand dollars per thousand cubic meters. On the news about the new rise in price of fuel, Gazprom promotion updated the historical maximum.

In early October, the head of the Bundestag Committee on Economics and Energy Claus Ernst said that he did not consider Gazprom a culprit of gas prices for gas. Earlier, among European politicians, accusations sounded that the Russian company provokes races of prices, thereby forcing the authorities responsible for the certification of the gas pipeline to speed up the launch of the “Northern Flow-2”. According to Claus, not Russian, but those who form gas policies in Germany are to blame.

/Media reports.