Paris asks that Brussels is firmer with London on fishing

The “announcement of the European and French answers” is promised for “the second half of October”, announced the Ministry of the Sea.

Le Monde with AFP

France has shown the tone in the conflict with the United Kingdom on fishing. At the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced, Tuesday, October 5, to the deputies have “seized” the presidency of the European Commission on this conflict, asking what it “move more” and Either “firmer” with London, reminiscent of Brussels to “ensure compliance with the term” Brexit “agreement. Evoking an “intolerable” situation, the leader of the French government added:

“If this is not enough, then we will seize the arbitral panel of the agreement to conduct the British to respect their word [and] we will question all the conditions for the more comprehensive implementation of the agreements concluded under the auspices of The European Union, but also if the bilateral cooperation we have with the United Kingdom. “

The post-Brexit agreement, concluded in extremis at the end of last year between London and Brussels, provides that European fishermen can continue to work in some British waters provided that a license, granted. They can prove that they fished before.

Threat of the energy weapon

The Anglo-Norman Island of Jersey announced on 29 September, the granting of 64 final licenses to French boats (against 169 requested by Paris) and the rejection of 75 files. The day before, London had granted twelve additional authorizations in its waters, within 6 to 12 nautical miles of its ribs (against 87 requested).

“In the coming days, we will take European or national measures on the United Kingdom,” had hammered from Tuesday morning, the French Secretary of State to European affairs, Clément Beaune, waving the threat of The energy weapon. “For example, we can imagine, the Anglo-Norman Islands, the United Kingdom dependent on our energy supply …” he added, without ending his sentence.

In May, the Minister of the Sea, Annick Girardin, had already referred to any repercussions on the “submarine cable electricity transport” that feeds the island of Jersey from France. And on September 30, M me girardin announced that Paris would present “retaliation measures” in response to the small number of British licenses granted to the French fishermen.

“Oversee and aggressive “

“Our patience has a clear limit, that of the exasperation and that of our fishermen, insisted Clément Beaune. It’s been nine months that we are causing calmly, kindly.” They think they can live On the other hand and more tap on Europe. And as it does not work, they do in the outbidding and aggression, “the Secretary of State added. Mr. Beaune also said:

“Le Brexit is the populism in action. We have the demonstration that it is a dramatic failure (…). It’s classic as recipe. Well, we will not let go.”

For his part, the Ministry of the Sea has published its work schedule on the file, to show its determination to stand alongside fishing professionals. Wednesday, “meeting with national and European parliamentarians, the regional councils of Brittany, Hauts-de-France and Normandy, the departmental councils and the mayors concerned,” he announces.

Monday, October 11, “Moving to Luxembourg In order to meet the European ministers of the fisheries. Preparation of a list of European retaliation measures + travel to Brussels” to meet the European Commissioner in charge of fishing and exchange on the European retaliation measures. The “announcement of European and French answers” is promised for “the second half of October”.

/Media reports.