Economist predicted Cold Winter to European Union without Russian gas

EU power grinding (EU) practically empty, which promises the allies of extremely cold winter. About this in a conversation with “” said economist Alexey Korenev. He also added that in the current conditions Gazprom can afford not to make an EU concession and just wait for countries to come to him with a white flag and a proposal of favorable conditions for both sides.

Nord Stream 2 operator Nord Stream 2 filed an appeal to the decision of the German court to refuse to exclude the Russian gas pipeline from the Gas Directive of the European Union. Thus, project managers continued to dispute with European countries. At the end of August, the highest land court Düsseldorf ordered the North Stream-2 to comply with the norms of the updated European Union directive. In Nord Stream 2, in turn, insist that the date of the renewal of the Directive in May 2019, the pipeline was completed from an economic point of view, because by that time the company has invested in the project more than a billion euros.

“Winter Europeans will begin to figure out faster”

Korenev reminded that the Green Energy, to which the European Union, has given such hopes this year, showed its complete inconsistency. And the main error of the allies is that they did not leave themselves alternatives.

“All the vital systems need to be duplicated. Even in the plane there are auxiliary systems in case all the engines are denied. The EU has hoped the green energy: windmills, tidal power plants, but a windless summer and a hurricane in the United States, which made impossible LNG supplies, led to a critical situation. As a result, in Europe coal, it remained literally for several weeks, and the gas is enough only in the case of the most mild winter, which, of course, no one promised. Nevertheless, countries continue to play their gas games, and politicians are still They lobby the interests of some of their groups, interfering with Gazprom. But when the cold will come, politicians will have to ever get, “the economist is sure.

Interlocutor “” is convinced: the aggressive EU policy against the “Northern Flow-2” will end, as soon as “Compact Burers” will be released, and this will happen if citizens remain without heat in winter frosts.

“Of course, the gas directive plays against Gazprom. But she was accepted when the gas market belonged to the buyer when he dictated his conditions. But now this is the market of the seller, which, by the way, behaves quite delicately, not a closer price. Even above, although he could, comply with all the agreements. And if Europe continues to insist on compliance with the Directive, it will only go to the detriment of it, “Korenev noticed.

/Media reports.