Dangerous consequences of high blood pressure

People who have a young age were steadily high blood pressure, have a smaller brain size. Also, they also have the danger of dementia’s development. Such conclusions came from Australia and China in the article published in the HypeRtension journal.

Scientists from Melbourne University and University Sun Yatsen compared made in 2014-2019 images of the magnetic tomography of two groups of participants of UK Biobank at 11399 people – with high arterial pressure and without it, divided into three age categories: up to 35 years old, from 35 up to 44 years old, and from 45 to 54 years. It turned out that in the first in all ages both the total volume of the brain and the volume of its individual regions was less. The greatest loss was associated with the age group of 35 years.

also revealed researchers in people with hypertension and without it – this time for groups of 124 thousand people – the risk of dementia for 12 years. In total, 4624 cases of dementia were diagnosed. Participants in high blood pressure research risk of its development was subsequently higher by 61 percent. The risk of vascular dementia in such people aged from 35 to 44 increased by 69 percent. At the same time, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease did not depend on the age of the participant.

/Media reports.