Gazprom again offered Europe Supply of Gas next year

Gazprom Export, after a weekly break, again began to offer gas supplies to Europe in 2022 in the framework of trading on its electronic platform (ETP), follows from the bidding calendar, reports RIA Novosti.

This platform is an additional gas export tool for the company. According to the graphics, Gazprom Export at the sessions from the fourth to the eighth of October offered gas supplies to Europe in the third quarter of next year, as well as in general in 2023. Delivery points marked German hub Trading Hub Europe (The), as well as Austrian VTP Austria.

At the end of August, Bloomberg reported that the company has limited gas sales at its ETP with delivery in 2022 after the court in Germany confirmed the position of the German regulator that “Northern Stream-2” cannot be derived from Under the actions of the Gas Directive of the European Union. In the “Gazprom”, in turn, they answered that these events were not connected with each other.

previously became known that Gazprom shares established an absolute record and increased above 369.5 rubles, exceeding the last maximum. The previous maximum was installed on September 27, when the company’s securities reached 350.89 rubles per piece – a maximum since 2008.

/Media reports.