United States will continue to perform against “Northern Flow-2” after starting it

State Department of the United States said that Washington continues to oppose the North Stream-2 gas pipeline, even after it began to fill it with gas. This was announced at the briefing the press secretary of the Office of Ned Price, his words lead RIA Novosti.

The representative added that the United States is not yet ready to comment on the start of filling the first thread, but continue to evaluate the current situation and are ready to apply the law in accordance with the monitoring results.

“Our policy, which we very clearly designated, including in the context of a joint statement with Germany a few months ago, is that we continue to oppose this pipeline, we continue to believe that this is a geopolitical draft of the Russian Federation”, – Stressed price.

On Monday, October 4, the Danish Energy Agency reported that the “Northern Stream-2” meets the requirements and may begin to function, but for the introduction of the first thread to operate, several more conditions must be fulfilled. At the same time it became known that the first thread of the gas pipeline has already begun to fill in gas.

After these messages, the price of gas in Europe decreased sharply. During the trading on Monday, October 4, the quotes of November futures on a TTF hub in the Netherlands fell by almost $ 70 and lowered to 1124 dollars per thousand cubic meters.

/Media reports.