IH took responsibility for explosion near mosque in Kabul

The terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, prohibited in Russia) took responsibility for the explosion near the Mosque of IDGs in Kabul, reports Reuters.

The local division of the Islamic state, known as Igil-Horacean in the ancient name of the region, has already announced attacks on the Taliban objects (“Taliban”, prohibited in Russia) and still did not reconcile with the new government of Afghanistan.

Earlier, the source in the terrorist movement “Taliban” reported on the destruction during the collision in the Afghan capital Kabul of the group of terrorists from the grouping “Islamic state”.

October 3, it became known that a bomb exploded near the entrance to the mosque of IDGs in Kabul. The fact of the explosion was confirmed by the representative of the Taliban Zabilella Mujahid. As a result of the incident at least 12 people died and 32 – suffered.

As the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Afghanistan, Kari Said, was detained in connection with the incident, three people were detained. At the moment, the causes and circumstances of the explosion are established.

/Media reports.