Chinese President Xi Jinping continues his purges campaign

One year of the twentieth Congress of the Communist Party, two former deputy ministers have been ruled out for “decadent life” and “corruption”.


In July 2020, Chen Yixin, Secretary General of the Central Commission to the Political and Legal Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party, had warned: “You have to scratch the poison to the bone.” A few months earlier had started a Series of purges aimed at police, justice and state security apparatus. The heart of power. These men whose party general, Xi Jinping, requires “absolute loyalty, absolute purity, absolute reliability,” according to Zhao Kezhi’s expression, the Almighty Minister of Public Safety. This campaign has made two new victims, not simple “flies” but real “tigers”, to take back an image used by Chinese President himself: Sun Lijun, Ex-Deputy Minister of Public Safety, and Fu Zhenghua, former Minister of Justice.

Two formidable men. During his career, the first hardly repressed the members of the Falun Gong sect and was Director of Hong Kong Affairs at the Ministry of Public Safety. In February 2020, he had been part of the shock team sent urgently to Wuhan to manage the pandemic. We had seen Sun Lijun, alongside Xi Jinping. It did not prevent it from being stopped a month later. But it was only on September 30 that we learned the facts that are reproached for him: “decadent life”, “corruption”, but especially “disproportionate political ambitions” and “formation of gangs and factions (…) causing a extreme danger to political security [of the party “.

The observers were still questioning the seriousness of the charges against him when, on 2 October, the central commission of the control and the discipline of the party announced the opening of an investigation aimed at the second man, Fu Zhenghua . Director of Public Safety in Beijing from 2010 to 2013 and then Deputy Minister of Public Safety from 2013 to 2018, it is considered to be one of the main leaders of the arrest of hundreds of lawyers specializing in the defense of the rights of The man, in July 2015. He was arrested for “serious violation of national discipline and laws”. We do not know more. The man passed to be loyal to Xi Jinping. He even played an important role in the 2014 arrest in Zhou Yongkang, Minister of Public Safety from 2002 to 2007, the first member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, the heart of power, to “fall” for corruption.

Near Jiang Zemin

The two “purged” probably paying the fact of being close to Jiang Zemin, President of the Republic of 1993 to 2003, and the “Click by Shanghai”, which this former number one Chinese was the mayor . “Xi Jinping trusts only those who have long served in his faction, that is, Fujian executives, Zhejiang [two provinces where XI worked before being appointed to Beijing] and Shaanxi [Where he spent his childhood]. Apparently, he believes that Fu has kept links with the Faction of Jiang and with the clique of Zhou Yongkang “, decrypts Willy Lam, Hong Kong Politologist.

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/Media reports.