Barbara Pompili shows measures to try to make “acceptable” wind turbines

The Minister of the Ecological Transition announced Tuesday the creation of a fund of safeguarding the natural and cultural heritage. A reduction in the light and sound impact of wind turbines is also planned.


Make the Eolien acceptable or, according to the terms of the Ministry of the Ecological Transition, allow “responsible development of wind”, in clear, avoid the many recourse and oppositions that manifest themselves to any new project of implantation wind turbines, in three quarters of the cases, according to the department. It is for this purpose that the Minister of the Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompilili, presented on Tuesday, October 5, measures developed in consultation with the sector, the industrialists and France wind energy (Fee).

Of the most notable, is the creation of a backup fund for the natural and cultural heritage, which will be abundant up to 1% of the revenue related to the sale of electricity from the wind industry. It would finance projects in the municipalities hosting wind turbines. This could represent 35 to 40 million euros per year, “more than the lotto of heritage, launched by Stéphane Bern,” said the department. The television facilitator, defender of heritage, has become one of the figures of the opponents of wind energy, perfectly for what he calls a “negation of ecology”.

The obligation to consult the Mayor

A “mediator” of the wind, attached to the department, will be appointed. It may be seized by the prefect, as part of the investigation of a file, if it considers that there is a high risk of dispute. Charge for the mediator, explain to the department, to change the file, upstream of the realization of the project.

Other announced measures, some were already in the pipes, such as the obligation to recycle more than 90% of the structure of a wind turbine. The obligation to consult the mayor of the municipality concerned by the project, even before the filing of the file and the launch of the public inquiry, was listed in the Climate and Resilience Act, promulgated in August. Similarly, the establishment of regional energy committees, responsible for determining the energy policy of the region, like the multi-year energy programming at the national level.

The latter provides for the minimum to double the installed power of the Earth’s wind to reach between 33.2 and 34.7 gigawatts (GW) in 2028, compared with 15 GW ten years earlier. At the end of December 2020, this power had reached nearly 18 GW, with some 8,000 installed wind turbines, of which 477 in 2020, according to the Observatory of wind 2021, published Tuesday by France wind energy.

Exceed. Oppositions

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