Bitcoin rate exceeded 50 thousand dollars

Bitcoin’s course during the auction on Tuesday, October 5, rose above 50 thousand dollars for the first time from August 24. At 12:51 Moscow time, he traded $ 50,266.9 dollars per coin.

September 24, the Bitcoin rate fell by 9.3 percent, up to $ 40,908, after deciding the Central Bank of China to prohibit all transactions related to cryptocurrent. At the bidding on October 1, cryptocurrency took off at once with 11.3 percent, rising from 44,917 to $ 47,602.

General Director of the largest Russian gold mining company Pole Pavel Grachev said in early October that Bitcoin is not a competitor gold in the long run. According to him, Bitcoin was created as a tool for calculations, and not as a means of accumulation of capital.

/Media reports.