A second complaint against tenon gynecologist for “rape in meeting”

The parquet of Paris announced that the investigation was now open for “rape on minor over 15 years per person with authority” and “rape in a meeting”.


A second complaint was filed against Professor Emile Darai, Thursday, September 30, for “rape in a meeting”, confirmed the Paris prosecutor. The head of the Gynecology-Obstetrics department of the Tenon Hospital, Paris, and Endometriosis Specialist, is accused by several patients of physical, psychological and verbal violence during consultations.

After a first complaint filed by an old young patient, an investigation for “rape per person with a minor authority over 15” had been opened on September 28. This second complaint for “rape in a meeting” was attached to the investigation, and the investigations were entrusted to 2 e District of the judicial police of Paris (DPJ), announced the parquet of Paris Tuesday, October 5th.

An internal investigation diligently by public assistance-Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP) and the Faculty of Medicine Sorbonne-University was also launched on September 20th.

Several old patients reported to the world their experience with Professor Darai, referring to “brutal” exams, including “violent” and “by surprise” rectal touches.

/Media reports.