Poland accused Russia in worsening security situation in Europe

Safety situation in Europe deteriorates as a result of Russia’s policies. This was stated by the Minister of National Defense of Poland Mariusha Blazkak, RIA Novosti reports.

Politician accused Moscow in constant buildup of military power. “Immediate threats used in foreign policy relations, as well as other forms of testing our defense capability, unfortunately, have become a new normality for the environment of Russia,” he concluded.

Among the main challenges for European security, Blazhak called the growth of military force in the Western Military District, in the Baltic and Black Seas, as well as the Arctic. In addition, he noted the role of joint teachings of Russia and Belarus “West-2021” in the worsening situation. According to the minister, the teachings demonstrate the possibilities of Moscow in order to catch the opponent’s surprise, which will not expect this, quickly start conflict and decisively stop it.

On September 30, the Polish government stated that among migrants from Belarus to Poland, citizens of military training were trying to penetrate. Previously illegal migrants were also accused of ties with the terrorist organizations “Taliban” and “Islamic State” (both organizations are prohibited in Russia).

/Media reports.