To succeed Olympics of 2024, French sport prompted everything on medal disciplines

Claude Onesta, General Manager of High Performance Within the National Sport Agency, advocates a “two-speed treatment” from here to the Games of Paris and wants to be directed with the federations with high medal potential .


Man is not known to do in the soft consensus. Neither at the head of the French handball, which he has brought to the summit, no more today at the Directorate of High Performance within the National Sport Agency (years). Renowned for his franc speak, sometimes authoritarian, Claude Onesta detailed, Tuesday, October 5, his recommendations for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, two months after a disappointing Tokyoy edition at which the French athletes won 33 medals, far from the 42 From Rio in 2016, far from “quarantine” fixed by Onesta before the games.

This is a “uncompromising” balance sheet, Federation by Federation, that Toulouse has drawn up to identify and understand the reasons for French failure in Japan. In an interview at The team , on August 9, at the end of the Olympic Games, he had identified guilty disciplines, in his eyes, a lack of efficiency and will. Athletics and swimming were particularly targeted. “When a federation went to the wall in Tokyo, it does not have to be content to tell us that it will better tomorrow, with the same actors and the same methods,” said Claude Onesta, before the presentation of these recommendations 2024.

Impossible, however, to impasse on disciplines that distribute up to 150 medals, such as athletics, does he advance, if we want to target the top 5 in Paris in three years, goal Recalled by President Emmanuel Macron, mid-September, during the tribute to Tokyo’s medalists at the Elysee. The boss of high performance warns: “We will not hesitate to be a little more actors [in these federations], to be even in decision-making, even if they are a little disturbing.”

It calls for the leaders of the French Athletics Federation – in the midst of the departures of the National Technical Director, Anne Barrois, and the Director of High Performance, former cyclist Florian Rousseau – to make decisions “radical” structural. While recognizing that “the vivid forces do not jump to the eyes”.

“From athletes fallen clouds”

On this site of the Olympics 2024, Claude Onesta assumes to displease. As he assumes the “two-speed treatment” that he intends to prescribe at the French high level sport. No question for him to continue investing in the short term in disciplines that have no chance of bringing Olympic podiums in three years. “What’s up if it’s to finish Fortieth? We can not invent cloud-fallen athletes to make medals in Paris while they are unknown today.”

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