Uzbek authorities explained meaning of language tablets in public places

The authorities of the city of Chirchik in the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan explained the meaning of shares with language signs in public places. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

Popular City Hall of Fahriddin Kadyrov said that the meaning of the placement of the tables was to teach the locals “correctly speak Uzbek”. At the same time, the official stressed that the authorities of the city did not intend to prohibit people speak any other language.

Earlier in the Telegram channel of the Chirchik administration, a message appeared that there were signs in public places throughout the city, which called upon local residents to abandon the use of Russian in favor of Uzbek. According to local authorities, it was done in order to support the state language.

According to the law of Uzbekistan “On the State Language”, citizens of the country can use any language for interethnic communication and training. In this case, the status of the state only Uzbek.

/Media reports.