Course Bitcoin Grose

Bitcoin course at the auction October 4 increased in a few minutes by 1.4 percent – at 17:01 Moscow time, he traded $ 48,447.6 dollars. As of 18:15, he fell in price and cost 47,549.9 dollars.

The last time the rapid take off of Bitcoin was recorded on October 1. The cryptocurrency rose at once by 11.3 percent, rising from 44,917 to 47,602 dollars. The racing course was preceded by a sharp drop. On September 24, the course of cryptocurrency collapsed by 9.3 percent, up to $ 40,908, due to the decision of the People’s Bank of China (NBK, analogue of the Central Bank) to prohibit all transactions related to cryptocurrency.

In early October, the Director General of the largest Russian gold mining company Polyus Pavel Grachev said that he did not consider Bitcoin a gold competitor in the long run. According to him, the nature of Bitcoin and gold will vary greatly, since they have different groups of investors who will overcome more from each other. He recalled that Bitcoin is considered tool for calculations, and not a means of accumulating capital.

At the end of September, the analyst of the largest German bank Deutsche Bank Marion Labar declared the risks to use Bitcoin to accumulate savings. It is the main cause of high volatility cryptocurrency, it believes that two-thirds produced current tokens are used as an investment or speculation object.

/Media reports.