Inaccessibility of repository of EIGEN project

Project Eigen Faced technical problems in the work The main repository . A few days ago, the source code of the project, hosted on the Gitlab website was unavailable. When accessing the page, the error “No Repository” is issued. Inaccessibles were also located on the page releases of the package. Participants Discussion Notes that the long inaccessibility of Eigen has already broken the assembly and continuous testing of many projects, including Google Library TENSORFLOW.

Currently there is no certainty about the timing of the repository restoration and the causes of the failure. The repository closure could be associated with the work of the Actor RMLARSEN1, which in the project activity log is preserved the corresponding entry. At the same time, the developers indicate that the corresponding request was sent to the support service GitLab.

EiGen is a popular open cross-platform realization of the basic operations of a linear algebra. The classical EiGen systems distinguishes the possibility of additional optimizations and metacompilation of a specialized code for specific algebraic expressions, as well as support for GPU.

/Media reports.