TESLA shares jumped

At the fores on Monday, October 4, the TESLA electrocarbers manufacturer shares jumped to 793.9 dollars per piece (+2.41 percent). The reporting of the company became the reason for the growth of securities, the results exceeded analysts expectations.

previously became known that Tesla beat a record for deliveries in the third quarter of 2021, despite difficulties with supply chains and global semiconductor deficit. For three months, the company delivered 241.3 thousand cars. Compared to the same period last year, sales rose by 72 percent. In just nine months, Tesla has already passed 627 thousand electric vehicles to customers.

For three months, the company, the founder of which is the American entrepreneur Ilon Mask, put 241.3 thousand cars. Compared to the same period last year, sales rose by 72 percent. According to analysts, FactSet believes the company’s profit for the third quarter will be about $ 1.1 billion, and the revenue will exceed 13 billion.

/Media reports.