Russia: plan to create their own fund open

On the conference held in Moscow, Russian Open Source Summit, dedicated to the use of open software in Russia in the conditions of state policy to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers, declared plans to create a non-commercial organization “Russian Open Source Foundation”.

Key challenges that Russian Open Source Foundation will be engaged in:

  • coordinate the activities of communities of developers, educational and scientific organizations.
  • participate in the development of an action plan for the implementation of an open source development strategy and determine the performance indicators.
  • perform the role of the operator of the domestic repository or mirrors of the largest foreign repositories.
  • provide grant support for the development of open software.
  • represent the Russian community of open software in negotiations with international community organizations in the same area.

The initiator of the establishment of the organization was the center of competencies on import substitution in the field of information and communication technologies. The interest in the project also expressed a mining of digital development and the Russian Foundation for the Development of Information Technologies. The representative of the Ministry announces the idea of ​​distribution in the form of open-ended products developed for state and municipal procurement.

The composition of the new organization is invited to enter companies Yandex, Sberbank, VTB, Mail.Ru, Postgres Pro and Arenadata, which are noted as the largest participants in the development of open software in Russia. Only representatives of VTB and ARENADATA said about the intention of entering Russian Open Source Foundation. Representatives of Yandex and Mail.Ru refused to comment, Sberbank said that he only participated in the discussion, and the director Postgres Professional mentioned that the initiative was in the initial stage.

/Media reports.