Listed main technologies of future

Artificial intelligence and robots will become the main breakthrough technologies of the future. This is stated in the first part of the Special Project “” to the 180th anniversary of the Sberbank.

It describes the technologies that lie at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution, and about changes in society to which they will lead. So, artificial intelligence will help in controlling information and will be able to protect a person from uninteresting content.

Robotization in production will allow to establish more flexible work factories without reducing product quality. It is expected that hundreds of thousands of vacancies for specialists will appear on the labor market. At the same time, new professions will arise – such as an architect of information environments, a virtual world designer, neurointerface designer, a network lawyer and a digital linguist.

Special project “” is timed to the 180th anniversary of the Solition. It describes in detail about large-scale technological and social transformations, which is experiencing humanity in connection with the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. These changes relate to genetics, bioengineering, medicine, economics, education and other key areas. Speakers of the project became leading specialists of the savings.

/Media reports.