Rejected accusations of non-compliance with Russia of nuclear testing contract

Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission of the Organization of the Agreement on Comprehensive Prohibition of Nuclear Tests (Obli) Robert Floyd rejected the accusation of Russia on non-compliance with the contract. He stated this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

The US State Department last year prepared a report, where he put forward the assumptions that Moscow violates the provisions of the transaction. The head of the organization did not agree with the accusation and stressed that there are no evidence confirming these violations.

Russia signed the Czyro in September 1996. The contract is ratified by 36 countries. It will come into force 180 days after signing by all 44 states that have atomic weapons or potentially capable of creating it. A number of states, including the United States and China, have not yet ratified it.

Previously, the US Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security of Bonnie, Jenkins, stated that the United States resume support for the CTBT agreement. The US administration plans to seek his entry into force.

/Media reports.