“Russian Post” has denied rumors about entering IPO

Press service “Post of Russia” has denied rumors about the company’s intention to go to the IPO in 2023, writes TASS. About such plans of the company earlier reported “Vedomosti” with reference to the application to the company’s strategy until 2030.

“Neither the default version nor the option of exit to IPO by the company is not considered. The strategy” Mail “, which includes all our development plans, approved and available on the company’s website, there are no such scenarios in it,” says the representatives of the Russian Post. The company familiarized themselves with the article “Vedomosti” and stated that the materials mentioned in it “contained an unlikely scenario of the degradation of the commercial function.” According to representatives of the press service, these materials were not taken to work either by leadership nor the board of directors of the Russian Post.

On the possible exit of the company on the IPO “Vedomosti” told on October 3. The newspaper stated that the company was faced with the risk of default on obligations and decided to place its shares to attract funds. According to the application to the strategy, otherwise the company would have to ask for subsidies from the state by 500 billion rubles. The discussion of the IPO access plans was confirmed by a member of the Strategic Planning Committee of JSC Russian JSC Alexander Hinstein in a conversation with “Vedomosti”. According to him, one of the company’s development scenarios intended to attract funds to implement a large-scale infrastructure update.

/Media reports.