Largest foreign companies in Russia

Tobacco company Philip Morris ranked first in the ranking of the largest foreign companies in Russia according to Forbes magazine. In 2020, the company increased revenue in Russia by almost 8 percent to 359.5 billion rubles. The Russian market accounts for 17.3 percent of the entire world revenue of Philip Morris.

The second place in the list was taken by the French company Leroy Merlin building materials, the revenues of which amounted to 347.2 billion rubles, the third – automaker Volkswagen Group (319.7 billion rubles). The Russian market accounts for only one percent of the entire carigant revenue. Another cigarette manufacturer – Japan Tobacco International (311.8 billion rubles), the fifth – Groupe Renault (310 billion rubles) took the fourth line in the ranking. In November 2020, the Forbes rating on revenue for 2019 by the leaders of steel Groupe Renault (435.5 billion rubles), Philip Morris (333.3 billion rubles) and Volkswagen Group (330.9 billion rubles).

The maximum growth rate demonstrated Apple whose revenue increased by 40.7 percent, to 266.3 billion rubles. The magazine called the Japanese Mitsubishi – minus 33.43 percent. Most of all in the top 50 foreign companies on the revenue of representatives from the United States and Germany – nine. By industry, the most presented the automotive industry (10 companies), the food industry and trade – by 8.

At the end of September, Forbes presented the rating of the largest private companies in Russia. The leader of the list for the second year in a row was “LUKOIL”, the revenues of which in 2020 amounted to 5.6 trillion rubles. The second place was taken by the X5 Group retreat holding (1.9 trillion), the third – the trading network “Magnit” (1.5 trillion).

/Media reports.