In Russian Foreign Ministry, called United States to smooth out consequences of presence in Afghanistan

Washington has the opportunity to smooth out the disastrous consequences of the twenty-year presence of American troops in the Afghan territory. This was stated by the Special Representative of the President of Russia in Afghanistan, director of the second Department of Asia Foreign Minister Zamir Kabulov, reports RIA Novosti.

“We assume that the United States and their allies have a good chance to smooth out the consequences of their presence in Afghanistan, taking the main share of the cost of humanitarian assistance to the country and its post-conflict recovery,” the diplomat emphasized. He encouraged the American side to take responsibility for his actions and provide gum to Afghan citizens.

According to Kabulov, the scale of the US military crimes and the Western coalition in Afghanistan is still to be realized. He noted that Moscow found the right confession of the falcon of the fallacy of the decision to apply the air strike in Kabul on August 29, which took the lives of civilians.

On September 16, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova concluded that the responsibility for the situation in Afghanistan is primarily the United States and the countries of the International Coalition. She called on the West and the United States to take over the main share of the country’s restoration costs.

An attack of the American drone on the car stuck in Kabul occurred on August 29. According to the American side, two terrorists of the Islamic State were eliminated as a result of the attack (IG, prohibited in Russia, a terrorist organization). Later, Al Jazeera TV channel said that 12 people were killed near the car, six of them – children.

/Media reports.