Tesla broke record

The American company Tesla beat a record for supplying in the third quarter of 2021, despite difficulties with supply chains and global shortages of semiconductors. This is stated in the application of the manufacturer of electric cars.

For three months, the company delivered 241.3 thousand cars. Compared to the same period last year, sales rose by 72 percent. In just nine months, Tesla has already passed 627 thousand electric vehicles to customers.

Tesla was able to achieve record indicators, despite the fact that the global automotive industry suffered due to the lack of semiconductors. Factset analysts interviewed by Bloomberg believe that the company’s profit for the third quarter will be about 1.1 billion dollars, and the revenue will exceed $ 13 billion.

One of the most successful markets for Tesla was Norway: in September, a record number of electrocars was sold there. According to the Norwegian Road Federation (OFV), electric vehicles amounted to 77.5 percent of all new cars that were sold in September 2021. In the previous year, for the same period, the Norwegians purchased 61.5 percent of the electrocars from the total number of cars.

In September, Forbes recognized the founder of Tesla Ilona mask the richest man in the world. Its condition has grown by 1.89 percent and is now estimated at $ 203.4 billion. Mask shifted to second place in the ranking of his main competitor Jeff Beza, which earned a huge state on Amazon corporation.

/Media reports.