China: thousands were evacuated due to flooding

China’s authorities decided to evacuate 4.4 thousand people in the northeastern province of Liaoning due to the threat of flooding. This is reported by TASS with reference to local television.

For several days along the province, rains and thunderstorms are not stopped, accompanied by a strong wind and hail. It is noted that the water level in 13 countries reservoirs exceeded critical marks. The greatest number of citizens were evacuated from the counties of Anshan and Benci.

Rainy weather provoked a similarity of the beds and landslides in the local mountains. As a result, part of the major highway was closed for movement. Emergency services called for residents not to visit the mountainous area and abide by the vigilance. It is expected that the weather will improve for two days.

September 13 reported that strong shower in the northwestern province of Pakistan Hyber-Pakhtunwa led to the collapse of houses and death 14 people. The dead lived in the Torgarta area and in the city of Abbottabad. Most victims are women and children.

/Media reports.