Issue HTTP server Lighttpd 1.4.60

Release of the lightweight HTTP server LightTPD 1.4.60 . The new version contains 437 changes , mainly related to elimination of errors and optimizations.

Main innovations:

  • Added support for the RANGE header (RFC-7233) for all non-firm responses (earlier Range was supported only at the return of static files).
  • optimized the implementation of the HTTP / 2 protocol, which reduces memory consumption and accelerates the processing of intensively sent initial requests.
  • work to reduce memory consumption.
  • Improved LUA performance in the mod_magnet module.
  • Improved Module performance MOD_DIRLISTING and added option to configure caching.
  • in mod_dirlisting, mod_ssi and mod_webdav are added limitations to prevent greater memory consumption with extreme loads.
  • On the side of the backend side, separate restrictions on the time of execution of CONNECT calls (), Write () and Read () are added.
  • is provided with a restart if a large offset of the system clock time is fixed ( led to problems with TLS 1.3 on embedded systems).
  • Timeout to connect to the backend by default is set in 8 seconds (you can change in the settings).

Advanced a warning to change behavior and some default settings. Changes are planned to be applied at the beginning of 2022.

  • Default Timeout for Graceful Restart / Shutdown operations is scheduled to be reduced from infinity to 5 seconds. Timeout can be configured using the “Server.graceful-shutdown-timeout” option.
  • will be declared an outdated assembly with Libev and Fam, instead of which the interfaces for operating systems will be involved for processing event cycle and tracking changes in the FS (EPOLL () and INOTIFY () in Linux, KQueue () in * BSD).
  • Will be transferred to the category of obsolete and removed in a future release modules mod_compress (need to use mod_deflate), mod_geoip (need to use mod_maxminddb), mod_authn_mysql (need to use mod_authn_dbi), mod_mysql_vhost (need to use mod_vhostdb_dbi), mod_cml (need to use mod_magnet) and mod_flv_streaming .
/Media reports.