Russia: launched first private network 5G on domestic software

Skolkovo specialists successfully launched the first 5G private network in Russia, which fully works on Russian software. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the head of the center of NTI competencies on the basis of “Skoltech” on wireless communications technologies and Internet of things, Dmitry Lakontsev, the network is deployed on a special softe from Skolteha on the lane highlighted for the Institute. The network has already tried and recognized the workable, he drowned off.

“in Skoltech turned and launched the autonomous (Standalone) private network of the fifth generation in the range of 4.8-4.99 GHz,” said the press service of the Skolkovsky Institute of Science and Technology.

Earlier it was reported that Tele2 and Nokia operators launched the first 5G zone in the Kazan Metropolitan. The signal is now available at all subway stations. Peak values ​​of the network speed in the metro reach 3,800 megabit per second. It is possible to get acquainted with the new generation network at all metro stations, and Wi-Fi-access is organized at the Central Station “Kremlin” through 5G routers.

The first of the Russian mobile operators received a license to use frequencies for 5G-bond operator MTS. In March 2021, the company launched a 5G user pilot network in the most popular public areas of Moscow.

/Media reports.