Guarding diplomats in London police suspected of rape

The employee of the Scotland Yard, which guarded the building of the British government and diplomatic confedets in London, was detained on suspicion of rape. This is stated on the official site of the London Police.

46-year-old Constable David Carrick, working as part of the police department for the protection of parliament and diplomatic missions, was accused of the Hartfordshira police in rape, “reports Scotland Yard.

It is known that the crime policeman committed, being not in performed. He was detained on October 2 and was removed from the performance of duties. On October 4, he will appear before the court.

Kerrik is suspected of an attack on a woman on September 4, 2020. It is reported that the detainee served in one unit with Wayne Kazennes – the former police officer, who last week was sentenced to life imprisonment for the abduction, rape and murder of 33-year-old British Sarah Everdard.

The head of the department of Cresan Dick expressed deep concern about the fact that a person accused of such a grave crime was responsible for the protection of parliament and diplomatic structures.

Previously, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson criticized the country’s police for insufficiently serious attitude towards crimes against women. According to him, women can trust law enforcement agencies, but they are often negligent to crimes in the field of sexual and domestic violence. British condemned the country’s police for ignoring such situations and insufficient protection of women.

/Media reports.