Historian explained participation of composer Tchaikovsky in “Holy Derub”

After the murder of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, the organization “Holy Druzhina” appeared in Russia, designed to fight revolutionary. Among her participants was Peter Tchaikovsky. The author of the book “Terrorism in the Russian Empire. Short course”, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Humanities, Director of the Institute of Soviet and Post-Soviet History of the NII HSE, Oleg Budnitsky spoke in an interview with Lente.ru on the participation of the composer in the organization of the organization.

The historian stressed that the initiator of the organization was the Russian State Avestor Sergey Witte, but the main role in the formation of the “holy squad” was played by others. “Tchaikovsky really joined the” holy squad “, but any noticeable role (more precisely, no way was played in her activity. Then it was considered a” good tone “in the monarchist circles of society,” said Budnitsky.

The author of the book explained that the organization of the organization was based on the idea of ​​combating terrorists by their own methods. It should have become a response to the inaction of the police, which could not cope with the revolutionary who killed the emperor.

“But from this venture did not come out. About the” holy squad “, around which big money was spinning, very quickly became quite widely known. Many saw good career opportunities in her. This was also facilitated by the competition of various court groups seeking influence the emperor Alexander III, “added historian.

Previously, Professor of Military History Rob Citino called five main myths about the Second World War.

/Media reports.