Military South Korea uncovered expectations from restoring communication lines with DPRK

South Korean military expects that the restoration of communication lines with Pyongyan will lead to a decrease in real military tensions on the Korean Peninsula. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Korea.

in the department confirmed the normalization of the work of Western and Eastern military intercorean communication lines. The Ministry of Defense stressed that military lines are an important tool for communicating between two countries contributing to the prevention of random collisions.

at 3:00 Moscow time on Monday, October 4, the DPRK restored all lines of communication with South Korea. The parties talked around the military line and through the line of the Inter-Office.

About readiness to restore communication channels with South Korea on September 30, the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Yun. According to him, this decision is aimed at improving the current relations of the two countries and building peace on the Korean Peninsula.

In the summer of 2020, North Korea blocked all communication lines with southern. Then the relationship between the two countries aggravated due to the shipment of antipheyan activists in the South Korea of ​​propaganda leaflets and materials on the territory of the North. On June 16, 2020, North Korea blew up the Coordination Bureau in the Industrial Kaison Complex. Since then, relations remained tense.

/Media reports.