Government of Japan resigned

The Government of Japan fully resigned. About this on Monday, October 4, the agency “Kiodo” reports.

The 100th Prime Minister of Japan will be the leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (Fumio Kishida). On Monday, both Chambers of Parliament of the country will vote on the candidacy of the Prime Minister, which will then appoint ministers of their office.

Gensen will be Matsuno’s Hiringadz. Minister of Foreign Affairs Tosimitsa Motagi and the Minister of Defense Nobuo Kisi will retain their posts. Koichi Hagiud, who headed the Ministry of Science and Education, will be the Minister of Economics, Trade and Industry.

In early September, the Esihide Prime Minister Suga announced that he would not put forward his candidacy for the post of chapter of the party, refusing the chair of the Prime Minister.

/Media reports.