Titov declared desire of Russians “Sit all day at Zavaling”

Commissioner for Business Rights under the President of Russia Boris Titov revealed the growth in the development of Russia. His words leads Kommersant.

According to him, one of the problems is that the Russians want to “sit all day on Zavaling, as in the East”, and at the same time live well, as in the West.

In addition, the Ombudsman praised that they still want citizens. “And freedom, and all for all the decisive ruler. And education, and patriarchal ignorance. We want to develop the initiative of the business, but hated the rich,” the titles expressed the opinion.

He also added that the path of the country “Remote Rabli”, while other countries chose a different way. “And the entire civilized world chose another. Development on the basis of the initiative and activity of millions, human values ​​of progress – and mercy to those who cannot succeed themselves. They are called” capitalism for all “Erhard or” Capitalism with the human face “Roosevelt “,” said Titov.

In September, Titov said that Russian pensioners are able to solve the problem of lack of foreign labor. The business ombudsman noted that the elderly people want to work, but do not make it, as official employment will deprive their premiums to the pension. Out of the situation, he called the renewal of indexing pensions to working retirees.

/Media reports.