Historian told Russia birthplace of political terrorism

The author of the book “Terrorism in the Russian Empire. A short course” spoke about the influence of the Russian revolutionary movement of the second half of the XIX century. According to the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences, Director of the Institute of Soviet and Post-Soviet History of the NII HSE Oleg Budnitsky, Russia has become the birthplace of political terrorism in a modern understanding. This historian told in an interview with Lente.ru.

Budnitsky noted that historians still argue about the origins of terrorism. He stressed that the spread of terrorist ideas among Russian revolutionaries in the second half of the XIX century made them an example for extremists in other countries. “In this sense, Russia can be considered the birthplace of terrorism in the modern sense,” said the historian.

The author of the book led as an example of the murder of Alexander II on March 1, 1881. Under the karet, the king threw a bomb in the afternoon, on a crowded street. “It was a classic terrorist act that his participants and the organizers tried to use political building to change the political in Russia. If Paul’s killers wanted to get rid of this king, then the people wanted to destroy the tsar,” explained Budnitsky.

the historian added that the phenomenon of revolutionary terrorism became a generation of changes in society, which occurred at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the 20th century. Also, the emergence of such ideas contributed to technical progress.

previously became aware of the decoding of the correspondence of the French Queen Maria-Antoinette with the Count Axel von Ferzen. In the original letters, some words were crossed out, reports the Science Advances magazine.

/Media reports.